2021 Paul Kelly Cup Registrations Open

Registrations for the 2021 Paul Kelly Cup are now open!
Named in honour of Sydney Swans legend and New South Wales footballer Paul Kelly, the Paul Kelly Cup is the premier primary school AFL competition in NSW and the ACT.
AFL NSW/ACT is currently accepting team nominations from schools to participate in Stage 1 of the Year 5 & 6 AFL Competition, the Paul Kelly Cup.
Teams successful at their local zone gala day (stage 1) will progress through to the Regional Final (stage 2) with winners from stage 2 advancing to the State Final at GIANTS Stadium on the 18th of August.
Stage 1 – Local Zone Gala Day – Term 1
Stage 2 – Regional Final – Term 2
Stage 3 – State Final – Term 3 August 18
Paul Kelly Cup squads consist of 16 players, 12 on field with three zones consisting of four players. Games are played on smaller modified fields and Under 12 rules (modified tackle and 10-12min halves). These modifications allow children who are new to the game to experience and enjoy AFL in a fun and safe environment. Teams will play a minimum of 3 games at the Paul Kelly Cup round robin Local Zone Gala Day.
To register for the 2021 Paul Kelly Cup click HERE.
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