AFLSJ Combine back in 2017

Players from the AFL Sydney Juniors competition and talented athletes are invited to come along to AFL Combine testing sessions in January.
Participants will be tested using the latest AFL protocols and methods for skill and athletic testing (beep test, agility test, height and weight, vertical jump and 20m sprint). Players will also be assessed on their skill level, kicking and handballing (left and right sides). Please note skill testing will be AFL specific. Participants will receive a report of their results following the Combine.
Each Combine will be conducted over two days at two venues across Sydney. All athletic testing will be conducted indoors to achieve consistency of results across all combines.
Representatives from the AFL Talented Player Program and Sydney Swans and GIANTS Academies will be present to assist and view players as they are tested.
Education sessions will also be conducted, these may include nutrition, stretching techniques and umpiring.
These Combines will cater for female participants.
Combine Information
- Open to AFL Sydney Junior participants and talented athletes (skills testing will be AFL specific) turning 12-18 years of age in 2017 (born 1997-2005)
- Cost: $140.00 inclusive for two days (ONLY $120.00 for registrations received by December 31st 2016)
- Lunch included each day (chicken or ham salad roll, fruit and water) however it is strongly recommended that players bring extra drinks and snacks)
- Payment: By CASH OR CHEQUE ONLY, on the first day of your nominated Combine
- Time: 9.30am – 2.30pm (First day start 9.00am to facilitate registration and payment)
- These Combines will cater for female participants
To register follow the link below specific to the Combine you wish to attend:
Sydney South –Sutherland Athletic Track – Rawson Ave. Sutherland (athletic testing will be at Sutherland basket ball stadium)
Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 January 2017
Sydney City – Matraville Sports High School – Chifley (enter from Burke Street)
Thursday 19 and Friday 20 January 2017 (please note athletic testing will be on basketball courts not indoors)
Enquiries can be directed to Sandra Haberley on email: or mobile: 0417 294 825