Saturday Night Alive: Westbrook JAFC fundraiser raises $2500 for Pink Ribbon

Congratulations to Westbrook Junior AFL Club on hosting the successful charity fundraiser “Saturday Night Alive” on May 13th for the Pink Ribbon Foundation. Through its efforts the club raised $2500 for the worthy cause.
They wanted their evening to be a different experience to a normal game day and with lights, music, football, the Big Kick, BBQ, raffles, auctions, cake stall, and pink hair booth, they created an amazing atmosphere with around 1000 players and spectators.
20 Teams and Auskickers made their way to Greenway Park for the very special evening. Westbrook would like to thank to all our visiting clubs, teams and umpires for coming. Not only was it a chance to showcase AFL, they also took the opportunity to support Pink Ribbon on the eve of Mother’s Day.