Day Two Results: JS Sports Development and Representative Carnival

Another foggy morning greeted us on Day Two of the AFL Sydney JS Sports Representative and Development Carnival. However those skies cleared to allow some absolutely wonderful games of football.
The youth age boys teams were up on the fixture today with the day starting with the Under 13s. In an extremely close competition, Western Sydney came first in this age group with a better for and against than South and North. What a cracking way to start the day!
Next up were the Under 14s with each team recording one win and one loss for the carnival. Once again the winner was decided by for and against with North getting up over Western Sydney and City.
Western Sydney got their second win for the day in the Under 15s age group. They went through undefeated to take home the trophy.
Lastly were the big bodies of the Under 17s. City had their first win of the day winning both of their games for the carnival.
A massive thank you to all the volunteers, parents, spectators, players and umpires for an amazing second day of the Carnival. See you all tomorrow for the final day!