Missing footy? Register for 2022 now!

Missing footy and ready to get back out on the field? AFL Community Football is back, and our 2022 registrations are open now!
To find your nearest club and register, click HERE!
The AFL has moved to a new registration & competition management platform called PlayHQ. The below steps will help you register for this season –
The following graphic will help guide you through the registration process, and how to claim a profile as a returning player.
If you are brand new to AFL, welcome! The following graphic will guide you through the steps to register for the first time:
For any assistance requirements whilst processing your profile in PlayHQ, our fantastic Customer Support Team will be there to help!
Please email clubhelp@afl.com.au, or call 1800 PLAY AFL (7529 235)
We are looking forward to an exciting season and can’t wait to see you out on the field!