Vale Don Chudleigh: 1956-2023.

It is with great sadness that AFL Sydney Juniors and the Glebe Junior Australian Football club mourn the passing of one of its greatest members: Donald Chudleigh.
As anyone that came into contact with Don knows, he was a titan of the club. Don was afforded Life Membership in 2017, being amongst the most influential and cherished members the club has been lucky enough to call one of its own.
Don’s involvement with the club began in 2007. At a time when junior footy clubs were crying out for volunteers, Don chased me down at the end of another day’s hard slog down at Jubilee imploring me to “let me help”. I had no idea at that moment the impact he would have on the club over the next dozen years.
From refitting the club rooms (he was a builder) to introducing the post-training Tuesday Night Tucker nights (he was a cook) where grateful time-strapped parents could satisfy their kids and themselves with his legendary chicken curries and pasta dishes.
On game day he was always just there. Ensuring everything went smoothly from BBQ and canteen staffing, to umpire comfort and payments, to Ground Managing when required.
Don was a perfectionist in building, carpentry, and ingredients. There is a reason why the Glebe footy club is renowned for being unsurpassed in the quality of our bacon and egg rolls and sausage sangas. That reason is Don.
Don is survived by wife Sue and children Luca and Bill.
As anyone that knew him would attest, one of the great ones. He will be sorely missed.
– Jeff Wright, Life Member of Glebe Junior Football Club