Toyota AFL National Volunteer Awards Now Open!

The AFL are pleased to announce the 2021 Toyota AFL National Volunteer Awards for 2021.
The Toyota AFL National Volunteer Awards is a volunteer recognition program that rewards outstanding volunteers who have given notable voluntary service to Australian Football.
All leagues and clubs are invited to nominate any outstanding volunteers for one of the following categories:
- AFL Community Football Volunteer
- AFL Community Umpiring Service
- AFL Disability Inclusion Volunteer
- AFL Diversity Ambassador
- AFL Junior Coach
- AFL Senior Coach
- NAB AFL Auskick Volunteer
- AFL Primary School Ambassador
- AFL Secondary School Ambassador
The volunteer may have contributed to the completion of a major or significant project throughout the year or they may be someone who has contributed in a number of roles over a long period.
Each State and Territory will evaluate the nominations and ultimately will determine their State/Territory Volunteer of the Year in each of the above nominated award categories.
State and Territory Volunteer Award winners of each category will receive a $200 prize/voucher, as well as going in the running to win a 2021 Toyota AFL Grand Final experience*
Nominations close August 8, click here to nominate a hard working volunteer at your club. For more information and the award criteria visit our website.
Other Great Ways to recognise your volunteers:
AFL Volunteer Certificate Recognition Program
Reward your volunteers by presenting them with AFL branded volunteer recognition certificates.
- Download certificate
- Right click and save the file to your computer
- Open the file using Adobe Reader
- Edit the Name and Date by clicking on the existing text and then typing the name of the person you wish to recognise and the date you want listed on the certificate
- Click file, save as to save the certificate to your computer
- You can then arrange to print these yourself or professionally through a local printing company (eg. Officeworks) and distribute as you wish
Volunteers’ motivation for continuing their involvement depends on their feeling of value and accomplishment. However, remember that some volunteers seek opportunities for public recognition and praise, but others may feel uncomfortable under such circumstances.
– Special awards for volunteers: volunteer of the month and of the year – presented at monthly meetings and the AGM or presentation nights.
– Articles on individual volunteers published in the club newsletter
– Hold social events at the beginning and end of each season for all volunteers
– Provide recognition certificates to every volunteer.
– Recognise long service to the club by awarding exceptional volunteers with life membership
The Award Details:
– Nominations will be open from Friday 14th May 2021 until Friday 8th August 2021. No further submissions will be accepted via the online form after this time.
– Each State/Territory will evaluate the nominations and ultimately will determine their winners across each Volunteer category in their own region.
– All prizes are subject to COVID-19 restrictions in each State / Territory, Government advice on travel and the logistics relating to hosting of the AFL grand final.
– AFL will communicate with all Winners via email, or via State/Territory managers to coordinate the delivery of prizes & recognition initiatives.
– AFL Authorisation Code: GFAFL21/21